Milwaukee Blend - Ground

Stone Creek Coffee

Milwaukee Blend - Ground

Stone Creek Coffee

Currently out of stock
Local- This is a local product!Farm Fresh- Premium Quality!!


From Stone Creek Coffee...

Milwaukee is a staple coffee for Stone Creek Coffee. This composition features two Farm to Cup coffees, roasted to perfection. The two coffees blend together to yield a sweet and juicy cup of coffee that is good anytime.

We sourced the primary component of this composition from Central America (Costa Rica, Guatemala, or Colombia). This base coffee has a sweet, caramel-like body and a slight citrus acidity. The roast on this coffee is just enough to make it accessible: not too dark nor too light.

The complimentary coffee in Milwaukee is sourced from either Latin America or Africa. We’ve used coffees from Costa Rica, Rwanda, Kenya, or Tanzania. The idea behind the compliment – give it a touch more fruit. This coffee is typically roasted a bit lighter, but when mixed into the composition, magnifies the sweet and juicy character of the coffee.

Finally, our commitment to keeping this composition as a Farm to Cup coffee, we’re using coffees that are high quality. They’re just as good as coffees featured in our other lines. They’re just more accessible. Enjoy a cup of Milwaukee today!

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