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Valentine Coffee Roasters

Valentine Coffee Roasters Location: Milwaukee, WI

Valentine Coffee Co. was founded on the premise that coffee begins as a fruit, uniquely evocative of a particular time and place. This character – the terroir – is maximized by carefully roasting beans to the apex of natural sweetness, brightness, and balance… never

Anything from Valentine Coffee Roasters this week?
Bering Sea Blend - Whole Bean Bering Sea Blend - Ground Bali Kintamani - Whole Bean Valentine Bali Kintamani - Ground Guatemala Huehuetenango ADAT - Ground Royal Select Mayan Decaf - Ground Espresso Dolce - Whole Bean Espresso Dolce - Ground Royal Select Mayan Decaf - Whole Bean Guatemala Huehuetenango ADAT - Whole Bean Valentine Brazil - Whole Bean Valentine Brazil - Ground Valentine Colombia - Whole Bean Valentine Colombia - Ground Valentine Costa Rica - Whole Bean Valentine Costa Rica - Ground Valentine Kenya - Whole Bean Valentine Kenya - Ground Valentine Peru - Whole Bean Valentine Peru - Ground